What We Do


As well as our worship services there are various other things going on within our church.

To find out more information please get in touch with us.


10.00am – Prayer (in small hall)
11.00am – Morning Worship
11.00am – Sunday School

6.30pm – Brownies
7.30pm – Men’s Club


2.30pm – Guild (Every 2 weeks)


1.00pm – Prayer Group
7.30pm – Choir

7.00pm – Yoga

6.00pm – Anchor Boys
6.30pm – Boy’s Brigade (Junior Section)
7.30pm – Boy’s Brigade (Company Section)

Special Events

Any special events (e.g. Messy Church) will be posted here 

Monday 29th July to Friday 2nd August – The ‘Watt-a-Lot Castle Holiday Club’ will take place for children of a primary school age between 10:00am and 12:00 each day. This is a FREE event and you can register by clicking here.