Welcome to Dalziel St Andrew’s Parish Church. We are a Church of Scotland congregation in the heart of Motherwell seeking to work for the Glory of God. Whether you are living, working or visiting Motherwell we welcome you.
Latest News
Wooly Winter Sheep Trail
With our next Messy Church event, Wooly Winter, planned for Sunday 28th December 2014 we’re arranging with the shops in and around Motherwell Town Centre to display some hand knitted sheep which will make up our Wooly Winter Sheep Trail. To take part in this simply download the form from here and fill it in when you see one and bring it with you on the day of Wooly Winter.
Dressy Messy
On Sunday 26th October 2014 we held our Dressy Messy Church event with the theme of Joseph and his Coloured Coat. Those who attended enjoyed food, fellowship and lots of crafts and games.
Some photos from the event can be seen here.
Biffa Award Annual Report Video
Biffa Award who were very generous in assisting us with works carried out within our church, paricularly in relation to our new heating system, featured us in a video as part of their Annual Report. This video can be seen below and highlights some of the work that has been done withing Dalziel St. Andrew’s.
[jwplayer mediaid=”3456″]
Sunday School Fund Rasing
The children of our Sunday school bring an offering every week. This is not to benefit them, but to give away to those who are much less fortunate, locally and overseas. Each year, the children select two recipients of their givings. In the past twelve months, the chosen charities have been Kids Club Kampala and Rachel House. The former seeks to support underprivileged children in Uganda, and the latter provides help to children and families in Scotland who face severe issues with their health. From left to right, the photograph shows, Emma Reilly (Bible Class), Sophie Forrester (Juniors), Callum Johnstone (Beginners) and Reece Robertson (Primary) as they prepare to present a GIANT cheque for £400 to each charity.