Following the recent reduction in restrictions, we will be reverting back to a single Sunday Service, whilst also still offering a fortnightly service on a Tuesday.
Sunday Service – 11.00am followed by Tea and Coffee in the large hall. Sunday School (ages birth to P7) and Fusion (S1 onwards) is at 11am.
Tuesday Service – 2.00pm (Every Fortnight 30th November, 13th December)
Although booking is no longer required, it would be beneficial for track and trace purposes if you could register using the online booking service or by calling the office on 01698 264097 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10.00am until 1.00pm. Alternatively you can use the ‘Check in Scotland’ system by scanning the QR code at the entrance to the Sanctuary.
We ask that you continue to wear a mask whilst attending worship and that you leave one seat between you/your household bubble and others.
For those who are unable to attend worship in person, you can continue to watch live, catch up on YouTube or by requesting a copy of the DVD by contacting the church office on 01698 264097 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10.00am until 1.00pm.
Immediately after the both the Sunday and Tuesday Services we are serving tea and coffee in the large hall.